Spring Awakening – OBC recording

For my review of the show, please click HERE.

Cor blimey!

I’ve just checked my Last.fm stats and have discovered that in the seven days since purchasing this soundtrack, it’s already my 3rd most played artist of the last 12 months to date, and my 10th most popular artist of all times (there’s scope for it getting into the Top 5 by the end of the weekend!)… and all in 7 days – madness!


Mama Who Bore Me - S/A

You can also listen to the soundtrack by visiting the Spring Awakening last.fm page and clicking on the little play button next to the track you want to listen to.

Spring Awakening are also on Facebook, and Twitter (in addition to MySpace, YouTube and Bebo I believe).

Remarkable show and score, if you’ve not yet seen it, GET A WIGGLE ON AND GO!

About Gari

Northern lad; living out in the Peak District and rediscovering life after having had a brain tumour.

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