Manchester Pride 2009: The Parade

Blimey, I’ve been back a few weeks now and have had very little time to get my Manchester Pride 2009 pictures on my blog!

It took me a whole day to create a video file for our friends and family, and another day to sort all of the pictures out before I could do that, and so I’m starting to get pretty sick of these pictures now heh!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

I had been planning a whole package of blogs to go with my trip, but at the moment, and considering the volume of content that I have, it really would be a huge draw on my time if I were to upload it all. I doubt I’ll get around to uploading all of the vlog posts that I did unfortunately, suffice to say, Greg and I had an amazing time, and absolutely loved our little trip away! ๐Ÿ™‚

Most of my pictures can be seen on my Facebook page, though I have created a nice little video using Animoto (v. highly recommended!) for my blog!

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Enjoy, and feel free to leave me some comments on your thoughts regarding Pride or the Parade etc! ๐Ÿ˜€

About Gari

Northern lad; living out in the Peak District and rediscovering life after having had a brain tumour.

2 Responses

  1. Hope to be going to my first pride this year in 2010. Im looking faward to it. It shall be manchester I’m going to, liverpool is having one this year but manchester just has to be bigger shoulden’t it. ๐Ÿ™‚ x


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